Friday, 28 August 2009

Today's top news - possible Afghan election irregularities

A shocking revelation - that the Afghan election (which has now been running longer than Coronation Street) may not have been completely above board. Gosh, that comes as something of a bombshell.

Some clues, in retrospect, have suggested that this could be the case. After all, the country is full of rival tribes and warlords, and produces a huge chunk of the world’s illegal drugs. They have a large presence of people who would like to kill anyone who has the audacity to believe in their right to a democratic vote. Each side was also accusing the other of dubious tactics and intimidation before the voting got underway. Indeed, in some areas, the voter turnout was said to be below 0.5%

Ballot papers were available for sale and large bribes to tribal leaders who carry sway over thousands of voters were commonplace.

But, above all else, the factor the suggests that they may be rather unfamiliar with running an election in the way we might expect was revealed in yesterday’s news footage where it appeared that the voting booths were constructed from reclaimed cardboard.

If the system had any more flaws it might even have returned George Bush as the winner. Now there’s a thought …

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