This newsletter was created (free of charge) for Mudeford Men's club by Lware Limited. Please note that most formatting and some images are absent.

Bernie Pitcher and Rob Boulton try hard to look pleased as they hand over the trophy.
Snooker 2 – Lawrence Millington
“Lawrence Millington of Mudeford Men’s Club became the first person from the W C Clark Snooker League second division to win the Ian Cryer Open Competition.
In the final of the one-day event at the Greenbridge Snooker Club, Millington beat Richard Lee of Winton Con.”
The poker League was won by the shy and retiring Richard Thomas who led from start to finish. In the final (contested by the top finishers in the league) it was Paul Meade who triumphed and took away the generous cash prize.

Paul receives his cheque from the President and the Tournament Director Joey Hastings
Mudeford Men’s Golf Society Update
The Golf Society got off to a good year with a pleasant warm afternoon at Moors Valley in March, with the winner Peter Chatfield returning a score of 32 points. Crane Valley followed in April, with another surprisingly good day for weather. Peter turned in another star performance to win with 38 points on the par 72 course, and has now been cut to 14 handicap!
Future events are all planned, with Dibden Purlieu on the 26th June, followed by the highly recommended Manor Course at Bramshaw on the 31st July. Both of these are new courses for the Mudeford Society.
Our annual match against Southbourne Ex-Servicemen’s is scheduled for Bulbury Woods on Friday 28th August. Let’s hope we can continue the winning run we started last year. Any members interested in playing in any of these Golf Days should ensure that they put their name on the list in the Men’s Bar.
The 2009 season will be rounded off with a day in September, venue to be arranged.
John Oliver
Cricket - Who’s playing at the Rec?
2009 Saturday and Sunday fixtures at the Rec:
Sat 6 June
2nds v Bransgore
Sat 13 June
1sts v Midhurst
Sun 14 June
Iwerne & Fontmell
Sat 20 June
2nds v United Services III
Sat 27 June
1sts v Bramshaw
Sat 4 July
2nds v Portchester II
Sat 11 July
1sts v Locks Heath
Sun 12 July
Sat 18 July
2nds v Nomansland
Sat 25 July
1sts v Ryde
Sun 26 July
Sat 1 Aug
2nds v Hyde
Sat 8 Aug
1sts v South Wilts II
Sun 9 Aug
Winton Sports
Sat 15 Aug
2nds v Hamble ASSC II
Sat 22 Aug
1sts v Portsmouth II
Sun 23 Aug
Sat 29 Aug
2nds v Colden Common
Sun 30 Aug
Entertainment news
Having taken on the onerous role of trying to follow Mark Roper as Ents Sec, I was going to ask you all to give me some feedback about what acts you would like to see on Saturday nights at the Club. You beat me to it and I have been inundated with recommendations and a number of these have been booked.
Last night (Sat 30th May) saw a packed Club give a great reception to State of Undress. The band enjoyed themselves too and we will try to get them back next year. Some other new names coming up this year include:
Wigan Brian (Motown and Northern Soul DJ who packs out the Opera House)
Soul Intention – great soul band with a brass section
The Mudeford Crabs (local band playing classic rock)
Cash Converted – very busy Johnny Cash tribute band
Hopefully another great tribute band for Aug or September – watch this space!
Keep an eye open too for Halloween where we’ve got something “different” in mind!
By the time you read this, we should hopefully also have a “Suggestions Box” in the lounge for you to recommend acts or give us some feedback on current acts. It’s your club so don’t be shy with your ideas!
One to get you started – a number of people have told me they would prefer it if Dinner Dance did not have a comedy act, just more time for dancing. What do you think? Comments in the box please.
Sat 20th June will see an experimental mini-bingo session when the artist (Alan Roberts) takes his half time break at about 9:45.
There will be three games with at least £100 guaranteed for one of the full houses. Three full books of six will cost £1.80 and tickets will be on sale from 8:45pm. Be early if you want a seat.
Brian Moon and the Satellites
Sun 7th
Paul Hammond
Ian Woolley Disco
Alan Roberts + Bingo
Sun 21st
Colin Lann
Pussyfoot Dinner (sold out)
Coroma Disco
Mista Beat
Sun 5th
Paul Hammond
Cookie Roadshow
Blowin' Free
Sun 19th
Wigan Brian Disco (Motown and Northern Soul)
Filmed Race Night
Coroma Disco
Soul Intention
Jason Dean Disco
(from BBC Radio)
And before anyone shouts “Nepotism!” – I would just like to point out that the Mista Beat gig in July was booked before we had a change of Entertainments Secretary!!!
And don’t forget, if you have a birthday party or anniversary coming up on a Saturday, the raised area in the lounge can be booked for the event. Your guests will benefit from cheap beer and free entertainment and Gordon and Jacqui can provide food at a very reasonable price. What have you got to lose?
AGM 18th March 2009
Ninety five of the 1,500 members managed to make an appearance for this year’s AGM. It was revealed that a loss had been made but, given the economic climate, there was little cause for concern and the Club is doing far better than most.
Life memberships awarded to Dave Sweetman and Terry Parker were met with warm appreciation from the members present.
Your letters and emails
As the only contributor, Rob Boulton wins first prize (and £10 to spend over the bar) for this article he found.
The ironic thing about this article is the way it has been a victim of the very “modern thinking” that it attacks. When it was originally written, it also contained a comment about “mothers breast feeding with a fag in their mouths” but such a reference is clearly deemed unacceptable nowadays!
I can’t believe you made it.
Looking back it’s hard to believe we have lived as long as we have …
As children, we would ride around in cars with no seatbelts or airbags.
When we rode our bikes we had no helmets.
We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle.
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes.
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No one was able to reach us. No mobile phones. Unthinkable.
We got cut and broke bones, and there were nolawsuits. They were accidents. No one was to blame but us. Remember accidents?
We had fights and got black and blue and learnt to get over it.
We ate cupcakes, bread and butter and drank fizzy drinks, but we were never overweight … we were always outside playing.
Not everyone made the team. Those who didn’t had to learn to deal with disappointment … Some pupils weren’t as smart as others so they failed an exam. Horrors.
The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!
We did not have PlayStations, video games, cable, DVDs, mobile phones, PCs, Internet chatrooms … we had friends. We went outside and found them. We rode bikes or walked to a friend’s home and knocked on the door, or just walked in and talked to them.
Imagine such a thing. Without asking a parent! Out there in the cold cruel world! Without a guardian. How did we survive?
Coming soon …
27th June – Pussyfoot Dinner. All the tickets sold out on the night and we even had to lay on an extra table. A recent record will be set when we (hopefully!) serve 123 people!
July 25th – Ascot trip. Keep an eye on the board for dates of ticket sales.
Sun 6th September - Marrow Competition
Get those seeds sewn! Most of the usual categories, as normal. This year we will have a men only competition (sorry ladies no helping them!) – six fairy cakes to be judged on taste and decoration.
Open to everyone – this year’s floral arrangement should be presented in a wine glass.
Also, could you please pay your entry fees in advance. Last year about half the money was collected on the day. If we have the cash in advance, we can spend it on more and better prizes!
Contact Newslink
Write to Newslink via the Club.
E-mail xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or via
the Club web site.Or call Rich Leyshon on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Newsletter of the
Mudeford Men’s Club
June 2009
Exclusive - Committee expenses & allowances exposed!
Following a request made under the Freedom of Information Act, Newslink can now exclusively reveal details of the expenses and allowances claimed by the Committee.
First up is Treasurer Dave Hastings who has recently claimed £2,715 to recover his poker tables. In addition, he regularly claims for two burly security staff to protect him from angry members whenever he puts the beer prices up. This claim is submitted most months.
Your President, Laurie Wilkinson has, over the course of the last five years claimed almost £2,300 for Grecian 2000 but insists that this was a mistake as the rules relating to this expense are “a very grey area” – and he would like to put the events of those dark days behind him.
Secretary John Oliver has claimed £27,000 to have a moat built around his bungalow with a fully functioning drawbridge that will allow him easy access to the rear of the Club whilst keeping marauding members at bay.
Your Vice-president, Roger Masterman has claimed £83.20 in dental charges to have his tooth whitened and makes an annual claim of £22,000 against a bush near Stroud Lane that he sometimes uses as a second home, particularly after Pussyfoot dinners.
And it’s not just the Officers who are guilty. Clive Vassie has made a claim of £12.95 from Argos for an Action Man trouser press and Gordy Nash claimed £735 for a hair transplant. Unfortunately, there was some confusion at the clinic and he ended up being the donor and not the recipient.
Naturally Newslink disapproves greatly of this expenditure and I have volunteered to go on a fact finding mission to other clubs in the Christchurch area (Christchurch New Zealand that is) to see how things are done there. Now, where’s that expense form?
And let’s not let the bankers off scot free …
With great foresight, Tom Sharpe published “The Midden” in 1996. Timothy Bright comes from a hugely wealthy and privileged family but, not being the cleverest of lads, has just failed all of his exams.
“’Bang goes your chance of Cambridge, my boy,’ his Uncle Fergus told him when the results arrived … ‘There’s nothing for it now. You’ll have to go into banking. I’ve known an awful lot of fools who’ve done remarkably well in banking. It apparently doesn’t require any real thought. I remember your Great-Uncle Harold was put into banking and you couldn’t wish for a bigger fool. Dear fellow, as I remember him, but definitely short of the neurons for anything else. Not to put too fine a point on it, I’d say in the modern jargon that he was so mentally challenged that it took him twenty minutes to do up his tie.’”
In the news …
Shelagh Spence completed London Marathon in 5 hours 46 minutes in aid of Cancer Research. Congratulations to Shelagh and any other members who completed this marvellous feat.

The Newsletter of the
Mudeford Men’s Club
June 2009
Exclusive - Committee expenses & allowances exposed!
Following a request made under the Freedom of Information Act, Newslink can now exclusively reveal details of the expenses and allowances claimed by the Committee.
First up is Treasurer Dave Hastings who has recently claimed £2,715 to recover his poker tables. In addition, he regularly claims for two burly security staff to protect him from angry members whenever he puts the beer prices up. This claim is submitted most months.
Your President, Laurie Wilkinson has, over the course of the last five years claimed almost £2,300 for Grecian 2000 but insists that this was a mistake as the rules relating to this expense are “a very grey area” – and he would like to put the events of those dark days behind him.
Secretary John Oliver has claimed £27,000 to have a moat built around his bungalow with a fully functioning drawbridge that will allow him easy access to the rear of the Club whilst keeping marauding members at bay.
Your Vice-president, Roger Masterman has claimed £83.20 in dental charges to have his tooth whitened and makes an annual claim of £22,000 against a bush near Stroud Lane that he sometimes uses as a second home, particularly after Pussyfoot dinners.
And it’s not just the Officers who are guilty. Clive Vassie has made a claim of £12.95 from Argos for an Action Man trouser press and Gordy Nash claimed £735 for a hair transplant. Unfortunately, there was some confusion at the clinic and he ended up being the donor and not the recipient.
Naturally Newslink disapproves greatly of this expenditure and I have volunteered to go on a fact finding mission to other clubs in the Christchurch area (Christchurch New Zealand that is) to see how things are done there. Now, where’s that expense form?
And let’s not let the bankers off scot free …
With great foresight, Tom Sharpe published “The Midden” in 1996. Timothy Bright comes from a hugely wealthy and privileged family but, not being the cleverest of lads, has just failed all of his exams.
“’Bang goes your chance of Cambridge, my boy,’ his Uncle Fergus told him when the results arrived … ‘There’s nothing for it now. You’ll have to go into banking. I’ve known an awful lot of fools who’ve done remarkably well in banking. It apparently doesn’t require any real thought. I remember your Great-Uncle Harold was put into banking and you couldn’t wish for a bigger fool. Dear fellow, as I remember him, but definitely short of the neurons for anything else. Not to put too fine a point on it, I’d say in the modern jargon that he was so mentally challenged that it took him twenty minutes to do up his tie.’”
In the news …
Shelagh Spence completed London Marathon in 5 hours 46 minutes in aid of Cancer Research. Congratulations to Shelagh and any other members who completed this marvellous feat.

Shelagh with her well deserved medal
Clubland - Karen Burke (25) has been elected President of the Rochdale Labour Club with over two thirds of the votes and is the youngest president in the history of the Labour and Socialist Clubs ...
Elections 2009
Firstly, congratulations to Kim Nicholls who was elected to Main Committee along with a number of the existing members who stood for another term.
Mark Roper stood down from Entertainments Secretary after many years of excellent service. There then followed a comical series of events during which I claimed the record of the shortest serving Ents Sec ever – being given the job on the Wednesday (when it was decided that there were no other candidates) and being stripped of the title by the following Monday (when it was decided that Sharon Morgan was indeed eligible to stand!)
Anyway, we did eventually have the election and I managed to scrape it in a close contest and I know that if Sharon decides to stand again in the future, she will do a great job.
Sports and games news
Snooker 1 – The Frank Selleck Trophy
Having made a clean sweep of all the competitions last year, the Mudeford snooker players charitably decided to allow Southbourne to borrow the Frank Selleck Trophy for year.
The match was however, not short of excitement as Mudeford recovered from an 8-2 deficit from the away leg to bring the match back to 9-8 before finally succumbing when we lost a game of doubles on the last black.
Clubland - Karen Burke (25) has been elected President of the Rochdale Labour Club with over two thirds of the votes and is the youngest president in the history of the Labour and Socialist Clubs ...
Elections 2009
Firstly, congratulations to Kim Nicholls who was elected to Main Committee along with a number of the existing members who stood for another term.
Mark Roper stood down from Entertainments Secretary after many years of excellent service. There then followed a comical series of events during which I claimed the record of the shortest serving Ents Sec ever – being given the job on the Wednesday (when it was decided that there were no other candidates) and being stripped of the title by the following Monday (when it was decided that Sharon Morgan was indeed eligible to stand!)
Anyway, we did eventually have the election and I managed to scrape it in a close contest and I know that if Sharon decides to stand again in the future, she will do a great job.
Sports and games news
Snooker 1 – The Frank Selleck Trophy
Having made a clean sweep of all the competitions last year, the Mudeford snooker players charitably decided to allow Southbourne to borrow the Frank Selleck Trophy for year.
The match was however, not short of excitement as Mudeford recovered from an 8-2 deficit from the away leg to bring the match back to 9-8 before finally succumbing when we lost a game of doubles on the last black.

Bernie Pitcher and Rob Boulton try hard to look pleased as they hand over the trophy.
Snooker 2 – Lawrence Millington
“Lawrence Millington of Mudeford Men’s Club became the first person from the W C Clark Snooker League second division to win the Ian Cryer Open Competition.
In the final of the one-day event at the Greenbridge Snooker Club, Millington beat Richard Lee of Winton Con.”
The poker League was won by the shy and retiring Richard Thomas who led from start to finish. In the final (contested by the top finishers in the league) it was Paul Meade who triumphed and took away the generous cash prize.

Paul receives his cheque from the President and the Tournament Director Joey Hastings
Mudeford Men’s Golf Society Update
The Golf Society got off to a good year with a pleasant warm afternoon at Moors Valley in March, with the winner Peter Chatfield returning a score of 32 points. Crane Valley followed in April, with another surprisingly good day for weather. Peter turned in another star performance to win with 38 points on the par 72 course, and has now been cut to 14 handicap!
Future events are all planned, with Dibden Purlieu on the 26th June, followed by the highly recommended Manor Course at Bramshaw on the 31st July. Both of these are new courses for the Mudeford Society.
Our annual match against Southbourne Ex-Servicemen’s is scheduled for Bulbury Woods on Friday 28th August. Let’s hope we can continue the winning run we started last year. Any members interested in playing in any of these Golf Days should ensure that they put their name on the list in the Men’s Bar.
The 2009 season will be rounded off with a day in September, venue to be arranged.
John Oliver
Cricket - Who’s playing at the Rec?
2009 Saturday and Sunday fixtures at the Rec:
Sat 6 June
2nds v Bransgore
Sat 13 June
1sts v Midhurst
Sun 14 June
Iwerne & Fontmell
Sat 20 June
2nds v United Services III
Sat 27 June
1sts v Bramshaw
Sat 4 July
2nds v Portchester II
Sat 11 July
1sts v Locks Heath
Sun 12 July
Sat 18 July
2nds v Nomansland
Sat 25 July
1sts v Ryde
Sun 26 July
Sat 1 Aug
2nds v Hyde
Sat 8 Aug
1sts v South Wilts II
Sun 9 Aug
Winton Sports
Sat 15 Aug
2nds v Hamble ASSC II
Sat 22 Aug
1sts v Portsmouth II
Sun 23 Aug
Sat 29 Aug
2nds v Colden Common
Sun 30 Aug
Entertainment news
Having taken on the onerous role of trying to follow Mark Roper as Ents Sec, I was going to ask you all to give me some feedback about what acts you would like to see on Saturday nights at the Club. You beat me to it and I have been inundated with recommendations and a number of these have been booked.
Last night (Sat 30th May) saw a packed Club give a great reception to State of Undress. The band enjoyed themselves too and we will try to get them back next year. Some other new names coming up this year include:
Wigan Brian (Motown and Northern Soul DJ who packs out the Opera House)
Soul Intention – great soul band with a brass section
The Mudeford Crabs (local band playing classic rock)
Cash Converted – very busy Johnny Cash tribute band
Hopefully another great tribute band for Aug or September – watch this space!
Keep an eye open too for Halloween where we’ve got something “different” in mind!
By the time you read this, we should hopefully also have a “Suggestions Box” in the lounge for you to recommend acts or give us some feedback on current acts. It’s your club so don’t be shy with your ideas!
One to get you started – a number of people have told me they would prefer it if Dinner Dance did not have a comedy act, just more time for dancing. What do you think? Comments in the box please.
Sat 20th June will see an experimental mini-bingo session when the artist (Alan Roberts) takes his half time break at about 9:45.
There will be three games with at least £100 guaranteed for one of the full houses. Three full books of six will cost £1.80 and tickets will be on sale from 8:45pm. Be early if you want a seat.
Brian Moon and the Satellites
Sun 7th
Paul Hammond
Ian Woolley Disco
Alan Roberts + Bingo
Sun 21st
Colin Lann
Pussyfoot Dinner (sold out)
Coroma Disco
Mista Beat
Sun 5th
Paul Hammond
Cookie Roadshow
Blowin' Free
Sun 19th
Wigan Brian Disco (Motown and Northern Soul)
Filmed Race Night
Coroma Disco
Soul Intention
Jason Dean Disco
(from BBC Radio)
And before anyone shouts “Nepotism!” – I would just like to point out that the Mista Beat gig in July was booked before we had a change of Entertainments Secretary!!!
And don’t forget, if you have a birthday party or anniversary coming up on a Saturday, the raised area in the lounge can be booked for the event. Your guests will benefit from cheap beer and free entertainment and Gordon and Jacqui can provide food at a very reasonable price. What have you got to lose?
AGM 18th March 2009
Ninety five of the 1,500 members managed to make an appearance for this year’s AGM. It was revealed that a loss had been made but, given the economic climate, there was little cause for concern and the Club is doing far better than most.
Life memberships awarded to Dave Sweetman and Terry Parker were met with warm appreciation from the members present.
Your letters and emails
As the only contributor, Rob Boulton wins first prize (and £10 to spend over the bar) for this article he found.
The ironic thing about this article is the way it has been a victim of the very “modern thinking” that it attacks. When it was originally written, it also contained a comment about “mothers breast feeding with a fag in their mouths” but such a reference is clearly deemed unacceptable nowadays!
I can’t believe you made it.
Looking back it’s hard to believe we have lived as long as we have …
As children, we would ride around in cars with no seatbelts or airbags.
When we rode our bikes we had no helmets.
We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle.
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes.
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. No one was able to reach us. No mobile phones. Unthinkable.
We got cut and broke bones, and there were nolawsuits. They were accidents. No one was to blame but us. Remember accidents?
We had fights and got black and blue and learnt to get over it.
We ate cupcakes, bread and butter and drank fizzy drinks, but we were never overweight … we were always outside playing.
Not everyone made the team. Those who didn’t had to learn to deal with disappointment … Some pupils weren’t as smart as others so they failed an exam. Horrors.
The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!
We did not have PlayStations, video games, cable, DVDs, mobile phones, PCs, Internet chatrooms … we had friends. We went outside and found them. We rode bikes or walked to a friend’s home and knocked on the door, or just walked in and talked to them.
Imagine such a thing. Without asking a parent! Out there in the cold cruel world! Without a guardian. How did we survive?
Coming soon …
27th June – Pussyfoot Dinner. All the tickets sold out on the night and we even had to lay on an extra table. A recent record will be set when we (hopefully!) serve 123 people!
July 25th – Ascot trip. Keep an eye on the board for dates of ticket sales.
Sun 6th September - Marrow Competition
Get those seeds sewn! Most of the usual categories, as normal. This year we will have a men only competition (sorry ladies no helping them!) – six fairy cakes to be judged on taste and decoration.
Open to everyone – this year’s floral arrangement should be presented in a wine glass.
Also, could you please pay your entry fees in advance. Last year about half the money was collected on the day. If we have the cash in advance, we can spend it on more and better prizes!
Contact Newslink
Write to Newslink via the Club.
E-mail xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or via
the Club web site.Or call Rich Leyshon on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx